Sri Lanka has always been well-known for its popular brands of quality tea. Over the years the country gained recognition worldwide for its strong and tasty tea. But behind the producing of this high quality tea in the up country areas is another story.
The hard labour and tough life that the tea estate workers go through for us to enjoy a cup of good quality tea is known to only a few. They brave sun and rain and with baskets on their back they painstakingly keep plucking the tender tea leaves until their baskets can carry no more.
Keeping in mind the hard life of these tea estate workers the Centre for Policy Alternatives Sri Lanka (CPA) envisions to give a stronger voice to untold narratives of the upcountry Tamil community through photography, with an emphasis on strengthening and creating increased space for the plantation community to play a proactive role in advocacy initiatives, addressing their own issues. The The Kahata Photography Exhibition will have photographs taken by youth in tea estates to give those interested an idea into the lives of the upcountry Tamil communities.